Update on November 3rd: We now see that users are heeding the recall. Usage for Samsung Note 7 has dropped consistently over the last 3 weeks. The usage has dropped to 33% of its peak level.
After five weeks, traffic has dropped below the September 10th level, when the U.S. Consumer Safety Commission issued a recall notice. Note 7s are still out there being used. Samsung still has work to do to get the Note 7 out of circulation.
Samsung has clearly had problems with its Samsung Galaxy Note 7. On October 11, Samsung announced they were discontinuing the model. But a recall will prove difficult for Samsung because usage continues to grow. Samsung will need to pry the Galaxy Note 7 from the hands of users who clearly like the smartphone.
As of October 24th, the Note 7 was the 50th most popular smartphone in the USA. This is dropping also.
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