Reston, VA., March 8, 2016/PRNewswire/ — ScientiaMobile has launched its WURFL InSight modules for Splunk and Talend which enhances Web logs with up-to-date information regarding devices and their capabilities. Leveraging a new high-speed architecture, WURFL InSight for Splunk and Talend provides device intelligence about mobile smartphones, tablets and other devices visiting your website.
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Using these Business Intelligence (BI) tools on the enhanced Web logs, you can drill down on the form factor, device model, operating system version, manufacturer, and over 500 other capabilities. Marketing/Business Analysts, IT Operations Teams, and other Analysts across an organization will benefit from WURFL InSight. They can fine-tune their mobile Web strategy, improve their mobile users experience and interface, gauge the success of advertising campaigns across specific devices, or answer a host of other strategic business questions.
“Enterprises are operating in a mobile-first Web world. Businesses want to leverage the power of device intelligence within their best-in-class BI tools like Splunk and Talend. With these new WURFL InSight modules, we easily integrate device intelligence for over 10,000 existing Splunk and Talend enterprise customers worldwide,” said Krishna Guda, CEO of ScientiaMobile.