In previous MOVR reports, we explored how frequently phones and tablets were held in portrait orientation (vs. landscape). In the MOVR 2017 Q3, we broke out Apple devices from Android. Apple’s iPhones tend to have a higher usage in portrait mode than its comparably sized Android smartphones. Conversely, iPads tend to be held in landscape more often than comparable Android tablets.
Among smartphones (from 3 to 6.5 diagonal inches), Android users increase their portrait orientation as the size of the device increases, peaking at 94% at 6.5”. However, most iPhone users – regardless of model – are more consistently in portrait orientation close to 97% of the time.
Among “mini” tablets (7-9”), Android users are significantly more prone to portrait orientation (~67%) vs. iPad users (36%).
Among full size tablets (greater than 9”), portrait orientation drops significantly as screen dimension grows, with iPad Pro users only in portrait orientation 27% of the time.