Peter Drucker once said, “Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the customer gets out of it.” Here at ScientiaMobile, we believe that too. Our dedicated Customer Support team truly cares about your business outcomes, and wants to help you solve your biggest problems.
That’s why we measure and constantly obsess over improving our customer’s experience. In Q1 2018, our support team had a 3X faster than industry standard first response time since and we have also gained a 3% higher customer satisfaction rating than the industry average too. While we’re very excited to share this improvement with you, we look forward to continuing to improve our customer support going forward.
Improvements in Q1 2018
In 2017, we continued to improve our customer’s experience every single quarter. And in Q1 2018, we have improved our support and customer satisfaction even more than Q4 2017. Here’s what we found:
In Q1 2018, we had 100% customer satisfaction, that’s above the software industry average of 97%.
ScientiaMobile Customer Satisfaction Rating for Q1 2018

Not only did we improve our customer’s satisfaction, but we also improved our first response time to be 3 times faster than the industry average this quarter. On average, we responded to customers in 5.89 hours compared to the average wait time for the computer software industry of a whopping 17.90 hours. This time also includes nights, weekends, and holidays.
ScientiaMobile First Response Time Q1 2018 (in Hours)

How do we calculate our measurements?
We use Zendesk’s customer satisfaction score or CSAT rating system (the response can either be “good” or “bad”) and we use and review customer comment fields. We are reporting all of our responses, including nights, weekends, and holidays.
Improvements in Q1 2018
Not only did we have 100% customer satisfaction in Q1 2018, but we also responded to the majority of support tickets within the first hour and more than 80% of our first responses happened within 24 hours.
But we’re not stopping here
We want to hear from our customers about what else they need help with or what can be improved. We are always available to answer questions at our Enterprise Support portal and we also have an FAQs section for current clients and prospective clients who are interested in learning more about our best practices. We won’t stop improving until every last customer is getting the most benefit out of our products and services.
Thank you for being our customers
We really appreciate your business and look forward to continuing to improve our customer support. Please feel free to drop us a line if you have any comments or questions as we’d love to get your feedback on how we can improve, and what else you’d like to see.