Since our inception back in 2011, we had a vision for device intelligence from the Cloud. Early on, we launched our WURFL Cloud product. It offers a client (which we have recently open-sourced – see here) that provides easy access to an always-updated WURFL DDR (see video). Part of having a reliable and fast Cloud service meant having hosted operations around the Globe. We currently operate in several POPs. And the service has grown very steadily.
In 2014, we launched our WURFL.js service. Using one snippet of JavaScript, web developers dip into our Cloud-based DDR and get back basic device intelligence information. To say that this service has been a success is a big-understatement. We now receive over 1 billion requests per month!
And there is more to come!!
We are constantly looking at ways to improve reliability and performance for our commercial customers. We have our own special requirements and have grown to a scale where it makes sense to invest in our own infrastructure at data-centers. Luckily, with our headquarters in Reston, VA, we have access to a premiere supply of world-class data centers to choose from. In fact, Ashburn, VA is known as “Data Center Alley“. We now leverage hosting infrastructure at a specialized facility known for one of the world’s most redundant, distributed, and scalable power delivery architectures (they call it “2N+2” with a 100% Availability SLA), at RagingWire Data Centers. Here are some cool pictures of our racks.