WURFL Capabilities
Select from more than 500 properties of each device, called WURFL capabilities, for inclusion in your license.
Some products or trial editions have a limited set of capabilities.
IMPORTANT: WURFL supports two kinds of capabilities:
- Static capabilities return a property associated with each device object
- Virtual capabilities return a property whose value is based on the evaluation of other static capabilities or further inspection of parameters found in the HTTP request. Virtual capabilities require different methods to retrieve values, so developers should consult their product documentation.
Search capabilities
556 Results
wallpaper_directdownload_size_limit - Static capability
Maximum size in bytes of a wallpaper.
Category: object_downloadPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wallpaper_gif - Static capability
Support for gif images.
Category: object_downloadPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wallpaper_greyscale - Static capability
True, if the phone users a greyscale.
Category: object_downloadPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wallpaper_inline_size_limit - Static capability
Maximum size in bytes of a wallpaper.
Category: object_downloadPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wallpaper_jpg - Static capability
Support for jpg images.
Category: object_downloadPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wallpaper_max_height - Static capability
Maximum height supported for a wallpaper.
Category: object_downloadPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wallpaper_max_width - Static capability
Maximum width supported for a wallpaper.
Category: object_downloadPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wallpaper_oma_size_limit - Static capability
Maximum size in bytes of a wallpaper.
Category: object_downloadPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wallpaper_png - Static capability
Support for png images.
Category: object_downloadPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wallpaper_resize - Static capability
Describes if and how the device resizes a downloaded wallpaper if not exactly the same size of the screen. Possible values are "none", "fixed_ratio" (rescale respecting original proportions), "crop_centered", "crop_top_left".
Category: object_downloadPossible Values: none stretch fixed_ratio crop_centeredcrop_top_leftPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: enumerableReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wallpaper_tiff - Static capability
Support for TIFF images.
Category: object_downloadPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wallpaper_wbmp - Static capability
Support for wbmp images.
Category: object_downloadPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wav - Static capability
True if supports the .wav (Waveform) sound format.
Category: sound_formatPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wbmp - Static capability
Supports wbmp format.
Category: image_formatPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
webp_lossless_support - Static capability
Describes support for second generation (lossless) WebP image format by Google: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebP
Category: image_formatPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
webp_lossy_support - Static capability
Describes support for first generation lossy WebP image format by Google: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebP
Category: image_formatPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wizards_recommended - Static capability
Category: wml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wml_1_1 - Static capability
Supports WML version 1.1
Category: markupPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wml_1_2 - Static capability
Supports WML version 1.2
Category: markupPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wml_1_3 - Static capability
Supports WML version 1.3
Category: markupPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wml_can_display_images_and_text_on_same_line - Static capability
Some devices not display an image and text on the same line. Set this to true if the device supports it.
Category: wml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wml_displays_image_in_center - Static capability
Some devices will show images aligned in center by default, true if this happens.
Category: wml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wrap_mode_support - Static capability
The browser can be forced to wrap or not lines.
Category: wml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wta_misc - Static capability
The WTA implementation supports the miscellaneous features of the WTAI specification.
Category: wtaPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wta_pdc - Static capability
Supports WTA over a PDC network.
Category: wtaPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wta_phonebook - Static capability
The WTA implementation supports access to the device's phonebook.
Category: wtaPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wta_voice_call - Static capability
Supports the standard WML call function.
Category: wtaPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_allows_disabled_form_elements - Static capability
XHTML lets you define "disabled" form elements. If this actually works on the different devices is tracked down by this capability.
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_autoexpand_select - Static capability
Some devices automatically expand selects (MOT T720, for example).
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_avoid_accesskeys - Static capability
Some browsers define standard keyboard accelerators which conflict with the accesskeys defined by the author. It is better to avoid accesskeys for those devices.
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_can_embed_video - Static capability
Determines XHTML browser's level of support for embedding of video through the <object> tag. none = Inline video playback/streaming not supported. plain = Video will play. play_and_stop = Video will play and user will have a chance to stop and resume playback.
Category: xhtml_uiPossible Values: none, plain, play_and_stopPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: enumerableReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_display_accesskey - Static capability
The device displays a number when you use an accesskey.
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_document_title_support - Static capability
While one can define the document title with the title tag, not all devices actually render the title. This capability keeps track of that behavior (Used by WALL).
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_format_as_attribute - Static capability
This is set true if the device supports the "format" attribute in input fields (Used in WALL)
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_format_as_css_property - Static capability
This field is true if the device supports a CSS property to define the format of an input field. This is what the "format" attribute was in WML. Follows the same rules as "format" used to do. Example: style="-wap-input-format:NNNN" (Used in WALL).
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_honors_bgcolor - Static capability
Background colour can be set.
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_marquee_as_css_property - Static capability
Does device support MARQUEE though CSS syntax? (used by WALL)
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_nowrap_mode - Static capability
Does device support wrap mode as a XHTML attribute? (Used by WALL)
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_preferred_charset - Static capability
UTF-8 should be supported by default, but some devices have problems. Here you may find alternative charsets such as iso8859. This field does not present the exact charset because with ISO charsets you may need to specify the one of your region (1, 15, other) - Capability mentor: Pau Aliagas .
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_readable_background_color1 - Static capability
This and the following properties lets you define 2 colors which inter-operate visually on the device. For example, by using one of these two colors as background, you don't risk that an hyperlink disappears against its background. (Used by WALL)
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_readable_background_color2 - Static capability
Refer to xhtml_readable_background_color1 for description (Used by WALL).
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_select_as_dropdown - Static capability
The device displays selects as dropdown lists.
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_select_as_popup - Static capability
The device displays select's as popup lists, similar to the Openwave GUI extension.
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_select_as_radiobutton - Static capability
The device displays selects as radio buttons.
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_send_mms_string - Static capability
Indicates whether device supports the href="mms:+num" syntax to trigger the MMS client from a link. Syntax may be mmsto: on some devices or not be supported at all.
Category: xhtml_uiPossible Values: none mmsto: mms:Popularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: enumerableReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_support_wml2_namespace - Static capability
The WML version 2.0 namespace is supported, so the device will successfully render WML 2.0 content.
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_supports_css_cell_table_coloring - Static capability
CSS support in this device is good enough that table cells are correctly colored when the color is defined through CSS (Used in WALL)
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_supports_forms_in_table - Static capability
Form entry within a table is possible.
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_supports_iframe - Static capability
Indicated whether the browser supports iFrame. Partial support means that the content in the containing page is not rendered if placed after the iframe.
Category: xhtml_uiPossible Values: full, partial, nonePopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: enumerableReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_supports_inline_input - Static capability
Some browsers let you type text locally. Others bring you to a separate data entry control.
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_supports_invisible_text - Static capability
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_supports_monospace_font - Static capability
Does the device only support monospace fonts?
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_supports_table_for_layout - Static capability
This capability will return true if a device supports using tables to layout content on the screen
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xhtml_table_support - Static capability
Tables SHOULD be supported as syntax, but are often rendered poorly. This tag tells you if the browser is able to render tables decently
Category: xhtml_uiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
xmf - Static capability
Supports the XMF sound format (Beatnik format).
Category: sound_formatPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: NoValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
pixel_density - Virtual capability
The number of physical pixels per inch in a screen or display. Also referred to as Pixels per Inch (PPI).
Category: virtualPossible Values: Returns an integer.Related Capabilities: resolution_height, resolution_width, physical_screen_height, physical_screen_widthWURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Microservice for DockerSee what you can do: Image Optimization, Mobile OptimizationPremium: NoValue type: numericReady to talk about WURFL capabilties?
WURFL capabilities?