WURFL Capabilities
Select from more than 500 properties of each device, called WURFL capabilities, for inclusion in your license.
Some products or trial editions have a limited set of capabilities.
IMPORTANT: WURFL supports two kinds of capabilities:
- Static capabilities return a property associated with each device object
- Virtual capabilities return a property whose value is based on the evaluation of other static capabilities or further inspection of parameters found in the HTTP request. Virtual capabilities require different methods to retrieve values, so developers should consult their product documentation.
Search capabilities
48 Results
av1_hardware_decode_level - Static capability
The maximum AV1 hardware decode level supported by the device. Each seq_level_idx property of a decoder is mapped to a level as defined in the reference table below. This mapping is also available in the AOM AV1 specification. https://aomedia.org/av1/specification/annex-a/#profiles
Category: chipsPossible Values: -1, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3Related Capabilities: av1_hardware_decode_profilePopularity:Premium: YesValue type: enumerableReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
av1_hardware_decode_profile - Static capability
The maximum AV1 hardware decode profile supported by the device. For more information on the profiles, please refer to the AOM AV1 specification. https://aomedia.org/av1/specification/annex-a/#profiles.
Category: chipsPossible Values: main, high, professionalRelated Capabilities: av1_hardware_decode_levelPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL Microservice for Docker, Mobile Data ReportsPremium: YesValue type: enumerableReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
release_msrp - Static capability
Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) at the release date of device. Denominated in US Dollars. Exchange rate at time of release used if no price is denominated in dollars
Category: product_infoRelated Capabilities: release_datePopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Cloud, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: YesValue type: numericReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
4g - Static capability
Returns the highest LTE User-Equipment (UE) category that the device's modem supports (https://www.cablefree.net/wirelesstechnology/4glte/lte-ue-category-class-definitions/).
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: is_4g, modem, has_modemPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: enumerableReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
5g - Static capability
Returns the highest mode of 5G operation that the device's modem supports.
Category: chipsPossible Values: FR1 -The device's modem only supports Frequency Range 1 aka sub6 mode of operation for 5G networks. FR2 - The device's modem only supports Frequency Range 2 aka mmwave mode of operation for 5G networks. FR1, FR2 - The device's modem supports both FR1 and FR2 modes of operation but not at the same time for 5G networks. FR1 and FR2 - The device's modem supports both FR1 and FR2 modes of operation and at the same time for 5G networksRelated Capabilities: is_5g, modem, has_modemPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: enumerableReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
arcore_support - Static capability
This capability returns true if the device supports Google's ARCore technology.
Category: chipsPossible Values: true, falseRelated Capabilities: arkit_support, chipset, ram, gpu_modelPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
arkit_support - Static capability
This capability returns true if the device supports Apple's ARKit technology.
Category: chipsPossible Values: true, falseRelated Capabilities: chipset, ram, gpu_model, arcore_supportPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
battery_capacity - Static capability
Returns the standard capacity of the battery pack in a device in mAH. Please note that the capability will return the capacity of the battery pack in a new condition and does not account for degradation.
Category: powerRelated Capabilities: has_batteryPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: numericReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
bluetooth - Static capability
Returns true if the device has bluetooth capabilities
Category: chipsPossible Values: true, falseRelated Capabilities: bluetooth_versionPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: YesValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
bluetooth_version - Static capability
Returns the version of Bluetooth spec that is supported Eg. 2.0, 4.1 etc.
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: bluetoothPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: YesValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
cpu_architecture - Static capability
The type and version of the instruction set architecture (ISA) used in the CPU/processor. Eg. armv7, armv8-A.
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: cpu_series, cpu_family, process_node, max_cpu_speed, cpu_cores, chipset, chipset_manufacturerPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
cpu_bit_width - Static capability
The bit architecture of a CPU/processor. Not to be confused with cpu_architecture. e.g. 32, 64.
Category: chipsPossible Values: 32, 64Related Capabilities: cpu_series, cpu_family, process_node, max_cpu_speed, cpu_cores, cpu_architecture, chipset, chipset_manufacturerPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: enumerableReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
cpu_cores - Static capability
The number of cores in the CPU/processor. e.g. 4, 8. If a processor has a Big.little architecture, we include the count of the little cores as well. For example the Snapdragon 845 has 8 cores.
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: cpu_series, cpu_family, process_node, max_cpu_speed, chipset, chipset_manufacturerPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: numericReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
cpu_family - Static capability
The brand of the CPU/processor. e.g. Cortex, Kryo.
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: cpu_series, chipset, chipset_manufacturerPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
cpu_series - Static capability
The series the CPU/processor belongs to. Eg. Cortex A72, Kryo 280.
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: chipset, chipset_manufacturerPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
gps - Static capability
Returns true if the device has a sensor to determine fine/precision location using satellites. Includes GPS, GLONASS, BEIDOU etc
Category: chipsPossible Values: true, falsePopularity:WURFL products: WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Microservice for Docker, WURFL OnSite Device DetectionPremium: YesValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
gpu_family - Static capability
The product family of which the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is a part of. For example, Mali, PowerVR or Adreno.
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: chipset, hevc_hardware_decode, hevc_hardware_encodePopularity:WURFL products: WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Microservice for Docker, WURFL OnSite Device DetectionPremium: YesValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
gpu_model - Static capability
The exact model name of the Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) that the device uses. Eg. Adreno 308, PowerVR SGX544 MP1 and ARM Mali 400 MP2.
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: chipset, hevc_hardware_decode, hevc_hardware_encodePopularity:WURFL products: WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Microservice for Docker, WURFL OnSite Device DetectionPremium: YesValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
has_battery - Static capability
Returns true if a device integrates a battery pack to power its operations. If false, then it indicates that the device is primarily mains powered.
Category: powerPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
has_modem - Static capability
Returns true if the device has a modem.
Category: chipsPossible Values: true, falsePopularity:Premium: YesValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
hevc_hardware_decode - Static capability
This capability returns a HEVC standard level that indicates hardware-accelerated decode support by the device’s chipset at a particular standard level’s resolution and frame rate. More information about the H265/HEVC standard levels are available here. [http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-H.265-201612-I/en] (tables A.9 and A.10). If hardware-accelerated HEVC decode is not supported on the device, it will return "-1".
Category: chipsPossible Values: Level -1, 1, 2, 2.1, 3, 3.1, 4, 4.1, 5, 5.1, 5.2, 6, 6.1, 6.2. Find explanation of H.265 levels in Table 5.Related Capabilities: hevc_hardware_encodePopularity:WURFL products: WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Microservice for Docker, WURFL OnSite Device DetectionPremium: YesValue type: enumerableReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
hevc_hardware_encode - Static capability
This capability returns a HEVC standard level that indicates hardware-accelerated encode support by the device’s chipset at a particular standard level’s resolution and framerate. More information about the H265/HEVC standard levels are available here. [http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-H.265-201612-I/en] (tables A.9 and A.10). If hardware-accelerated HEVC encode is not supported on the device, it will return "-1".
Category: chipsPossible Values: Level -1, 1, 2, 2.1, 3, 3.1, 4, 4.1, 5, 5.1, 5.2, 6, 6.1, 6.2. Find explanation of these H.265 levels in Table 5.Related Capabilities: hevc_hardware_decodePopularity:WURFL products: WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Microservice for Docker, WURFL OnSite Device DetectionPremium: YesValue type: enumerableReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
is_2g - Static capability
Returns true if the device supports 2G cellular networks.
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: modem, has_modem, is_3g, is_4g, is_5gPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
is_3g - Static capability
Returns true if the device supports 3G cellular networks.
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: modem, has_modem, is_2g, is_4g, is_5gPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
is_4g - Static capability
Returns true if the device supports 4G/LTE cellular networks.
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: modem, has_modem, is_2g, is_3g, is_5g, 4gPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
is_5g - Static capability
Returns true if the device supports 5G cellular networks.
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: modem, has_modem, is_2g, is_3g, is_4g, 5g, modem_downlink_speed, modem_uplink_speedPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
is_connected_tv - Static capability
This capability returns true if the device is a TV that can connect to the internet via built-in networking capabilities.
Category: smarttvPossible Values: true, falseRelated Capabilities: is_smarttv, is_console, is_ott, form_factorPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
is_ott - Static capability
This capability returns true if the device can provide Over-the-Top (OTT) content . Devices that are classified as OTT capable include Set Top Boxes (STBs) but not consoles (see is_console capability)
Category: smarttvPossible Values: true, falseRelated Capabilities: is_smarttv, is_console, form_factor, is_connected_tvPopularity:See what you can do: Mobile OptimizationIndustry solutions: Device Detection For AdvertisingPremium: YesValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
jpeg_2000 - Static capability
Support for JPEG 2000
Category: image_formatRelated Capabilities: wbmp, bmp, epoc_bmp, gif_animated, jpg, png, tiff, jpeg_xrPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: YesValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
jpeg_xr - Static capability
Support for JPEG XR
Category: image_formatRelated Capabilities: wbmp, bmp, epoc_bmp, gif_animated, jpg, png, tiff, jpeg_2000Popularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: YesValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
max_cpu_speed - Static capability
The maximum CPU/processor frequency/clock speed. Units are GHz. e.g. 1.7, 0.5.
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: cpu_series, cpu_family, process_node, chipset, chipset_manufacturerPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
max_gpu_speed - Static capability
The maximum GPU frequency/clock speed. Units are GHz e.g. 1.7, 0.5.
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: gpu_family, gpu_model, chipsetPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
modem - Static capability
Returns the name of the device’s modem. Eg. “Snapdragon X60 5G”. Note: The modem capability will return “Integrated” if the modem is not a separate module and is integrated into the chipset. In those cases the return value of the chipset capability will be the modem’s make and model.
Category: chipsPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
modem_downlink_speed - Static capability
Maximum downlink speed that the device's modem is capable of in Mbps (maximum speed from cellular tower to device)
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: modem, has_modem, modem_uplink_speedPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: numericReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
modem_uplink_speed - Static capability
Maximum uplink speed that the device's modem is capable of in Mbps (maximum speed from device to cellular tower).
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: modem, modem_downlink_speed, has_modemPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: numericReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
multi_sim - Static capability
The number of sim cards supported by a device. For the purposes of this capability, we include SIM cards with standby functions (DSDS) as well. For example if a device has 1 dedicated sim card slot and a hybrid micro sd/sim card slot, this capability will return `2`. If a device has one dedicated sim card slot and one e-sim support, and only one can be used at a time(Eg. Google Pixel 2), we will return `2`. For devices that support a sim-less communications technology (eg. older CDMA, eSIM), we return `1`. If a device has no sim capabilities, we will return `0`.
Category: chipsPossible Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5Related Capabilities: can_assign_phone_number, is_mobile, is_wireless_device, is_phonePopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL Microservice for Docker, WURFL InSightSee what you can do: Mobile OptimizationPremium: YesValue type: numericReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
physical_form_factor - Static capability
Physical form factor of the device
Category: physicalPossible Values:
car_display: A browser integrated in the dashboard in a car. Such as the Tesla. (formerly, in_car)
computer: Computer with large screen and keyboard/mouse/trackpad. Include desktops and laptops
connected_device: A connected device capable of making http requests, but with no specific form factor and with no regular browser. Typically related to “internet of things.”
game_pad: A handheld gaming console like PSP. Not capable of making phone calls.
phone_bar: Classic feature phone with physical keypad (including devices such as RIM/Blackberry with full qwerty keyboard)
phone_clamshell: Foldable, typically screen on one part and keypad on the other. Typical for classic feature phones.
phone_foldable_booklet: A phone that folds along the vertical axis
phone_foldable_clamshell: A phone that folds along the horizontal axis
phone_phablet: Same as phone_slate, but with screen size between 5.3 to 6.9 inches. Must be able to make phone calls.
phone_slate: Phone with a touch screen for interaction. On screen keyboard. Screen size less than 5.3 inches.
screen_connected_device: A connected device with an integrated display capable of making http requests, but with no specific form factor and with no regular browser. Typically related to "internet of things" devices like digital assistants.
screen_game_console: A game console which use a TV or projector as medium. Like Playstation or Xbox.
screen_smart_tv: A television set with a browser or “smart TV functionality” provided through an external box such as Apple TV or Google TV.
tablet_slate: Touch screen tablet with on-screen keyboard and a screen size of more than 6.9 inches.
vr_headset: A head mounted virtual reality device. Like Oculus Quest, or HTC Vive.
wearable_glasses: A device wearable as glasses. Like Google Glasses, or a HUD display
wearable_watch: A device one can wear as a watch. Like Sony Smart Watch, or Samsung Gear S
other: Misc.Related Capabilities: physical_thickness, physical_height, physical_width, physical_screen_height, physical_screen_width, weight, form_factor, pointing_methodPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: YesValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
physical_height - Static capability
Device height measured in millimeters
Category: physicalRelated Capabilities: physical_thickness, weight, physical_width, physical_screen_height, physical_screen_width, physical_form_factorPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: YesValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
physical_thickness - Static capability
Device thickness measured in millimeters
Category: physicalRelated Capabilities: weight, physical_height, physical_width, physical_screen_height, physical_screen_width, physical_form_factorPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: YesValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
physical_width - Static capability
Device width measured in millimeters
Category: physicalRelated Capabilities: physical_thickness, physical_height, weight, physical_screen_height, physical_screen_width, physical_form_factorPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: YesValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
process_node - Static capability
The process node of the chipset's manufacturing process. Units are nm (nanometers). e.g. 7, 32. Note: The chipset and the CPU/processor typically have the same process node and are interchangeable.
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: cpu_family, cpu_series, chipset, chipset_manufacturerPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: numericReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
ram - Static capability
Returns the amount of RAM a device has. Eg. 2GB, 3GB etc.
Category: chipsPossible Values: 128MB, 256MB, 384MB, 512MB, 768MB, 1GB, 1.5GB, 2GB, 3GB, 4GB, 5GB, 6GB, 8GB, 10GB and 12GBPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: YesValue type: enumerableReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
removable_battery - Static capability
Return true if a device integrates a removable battery pack to power its operations.
Category: powerRelated Capabilities: has_battery, battery_capacityPopularity:Premium: YesValue type: booleanReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
robot_family - Virtual capability
If a device's user-agent is identify as a robot, then robot_capability will return a categorization based on the nature and intention of the robot.
Category: virtualPossible Values:
Spider: These requests typically originate from a search engine. Also known as indexer or crawler. Example: Google bot, Bing bot.
Previewer: These requests typically originate from services that visit a website to generate a thumbnail or a screenshot. Example: Facebook.
Fetcher: These requests typically originate from a source that is from a library, a script or a similar program that attempts to scrape, fetch or download website content. Example: Google Store bot, Scrapy, Headless Chrome.
Health-Checker: These requests originate from services that attempt to check and make sure various aspects (website availability, images, hyperlinks etc.) of a website are operational. Example: deadlinkchecker bot, pingdom bot.
Adbot: These are requests that originate from an advertising resource, that are used to validate a website’s suitability for ad serving purposes. Example: Mediapartners-Google bot, Bing adidxbot bot.
Headless Browser: These requests originate from a browser without a graphical user interface or a front-end. The browser behavior is programmatically controlled. These browsers typically have the ability to render styling elements and JavaScript. Eg. HeadlessChrome.Related Capabilities: is_robot, form_factorPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL.js, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: YesValue type: enumerableReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
weight - Static capability
Device weight measured in grams
Category: physicalRelated Capabilities: physical_thickness, physical_height, physical_width, physical_screen_height, physical_screen_width, physical_form_factorPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSight, WURFL Microservice for DockerPremium: YesValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
wifi_class - Static capability
The latest generation of Wi-Fi technology that is supported by the device. The generations returned by this capability are mostly as designated by the Wi-Fi Alliance (https://www.wi-fi.org/news-events/newsroom/wi-fi-alliance-introduces-wi-fi-6). ScientiaMobile has added an additional generation designation for 802.11g (level 3) since our device database contains some older devices that solely support this technology.
Category: chipsPossible Values:
-1 = no WiFi support
3 = Wi-Fi 3rd Generation aka Wi-Fi 3 aka 802.11g
4 = Wi-Fi 4rd Generation aka Wi-Fi 4 aka 802.11n
5 = Wi-Fi 5rd Generation aka Wi-Fi 5 aka 802.11ac
6 = Wi-Fi 6rd Generation aka Wi-Fi 6 aka 802.11ax
7 = Wi-Fi 7th Generation aka Wi-Fi 7 aka 802.11beRelated Capabilities: wifiPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL Microservice for Docker, WURFL InSightPremium: YesValue type: numericReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
chipset - Static capability
Returns the name of the chipset that powers the device.
Category: chipsPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL InFuze, WURFL Microservice for Docker, WURFL InSightPremium: YesValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties? -
chipset_manufacturer - Static capability
Returns the name of the chipset manufacturer.
Category: chipsRelated Capabilities: chipsetPopularity:WURFL products: WURFL OnSite Device Detection, WURFL Microservice for Docker, WURFL InFuze, WURFL InSightPremium: YesValue type: stringReady to talk about WURFL capabilties?
WURFL capabilities?